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Korea IARA Candle

KOREA IARA Candle Design Instructor Course 韓國IARA香薰蠟燭導師課程

韓國International Aromatherapy research association (IARA) 協會為韓國政府認可機構,提供香薰蠟燭導師設計課程。課程教授協會指定的28個作品外,亦增加了Hanakago的推階內容作品,讓同學學習市場上大部份的蠟燭技巧及製作方法。完成課程後,提交作品集可申請IARA國際香氛研究協會課程證書。正式成為韓國IARA協會該課程的發証導師,發展事業。


- 蠟燭設計作品分類
- 模具及工具介紹
- 認識蠟燭設計相關蠟材料
- 不同種類蠟燭選材及其配比例
- 製作蠟燭相應溫度控制要點
- 色素選擇及其使用技巧
- 香薰精油的認識、添加比例
- 認識使用蠟的添加劑及脫模技巧
- 香薰石膏消泡、上色製作技巧
- 矽膠模具製作原理及實踐
- 訂購蠟材供應商資料介紹



課程深入淺出,由基礎理論到實作,全部由學員根據課程配方去自行量稱份量,調較香味,以確保學員完成密集課程後能完全成為專業的蠟燭導師 !提供完整筆記,讓學員能在家實踐及創作。

課程天數: 4天 
時間:11:00-18:00 (視乎學生人數及進度而定)


即時WhatsApp 查詢或報名: 


KOREA IARA Candle Design Instructor Course

International Aromatherapy research association (IARA) is authorized institution in Korea providing scented candle design course. You can learn 28 items of designated candle design, in additional, we will provide our advance items for you during course. You will learn useful formulas and techniques as a beginner and leave as a professional.

Upon completion and submit your report to IARA, you can apply for Certification from IARA in Korea and start to teach the same course in Hong Kong.

Course details:

– Details of wax design product 
- Mold & tools introduction 
- Type of wax
- Choose of wax and working ration for product
- Temperature for making product
- Dyes or other materials in wax
- Essential oil & Fragrance oil & ratio
- Making of silicon mold
- List of purchasing materials 

The aim of this course:

This workshop suits people who have no previous experience and want to learn from basic to advanced, all in just in one course! Just like our advanced workshops, we will teach you useful formulas and secret techniques and give you detailed course notes so you can practice at home. Everything you need for the class is included. 

Day : 4 days
Duration:11:00-18:00 (Depends on the number of student & actual situation)
Course Fee:HK$11,500
Certificate & Postage Fee:HK$1,200


Things you need to know before you sign-up!

1. Enrollment in any session is on a "first come first served" basis. To confirm your place in the session by settle the payment.
2. Workshops are typically from 11:00-17:00, depends on the number of student & actual situation.
3. If any client is absent or drops out for personal reasons, we DO NOT offer any make up classes, and we will NOT refund pro rata.
4. Hanakago all rights reserved.

email us or contact us +852 9664 1938 for more information and enrollment.